Friday, June 4, 2010


I am so excited to say I have finished my second Love Chile collection and she's a beauty!
(That's one of the look book pics above!)
I am really am proud of it and more importantly proud of myself. It took a lot of work to get it done - I had to learn new skills, dig deep into my own pocket, sew and sew until my fingers bled, search for months for hard to find items, including the amazing Vintage army shirts above from the 60's and the 70's, plus I had some personal stuff on my plate that has been challenging to say the least. But despite all of that I didn't give in like I have before, I kept pushing through and 'Soldiering on' -Ironically if you've read my previous blog posts, the collection didn't start out with a strong Military feel, I wanted to focus more on Hindu Goddessess...but perhaps Subliminally as I was fighting through stuff the collection came up to meet me and we changed course together. Either way I didn't question it, I just rolled with it and the result for me is a beautiful outward creative expression of what has been going on for me inwardly and ultimately is the message I want to pass on to other women. Stay true to you, don't give up, believe in yourself and just keep soldiering on..keep on fighting baby! Don't look for anyone to rescue you, be your own soldier. We all have our challenges and I am so in awe of a young fighter friend of mine Jess -
she calls herself the WELLNESS WARRIOR
and boy is she one hell of a fighter!
I say Thank you to all the kick arse chicks out there who keep on fighting and I say Thank you for all the lessons that have made me stronger.

I salute you !

*New Collection out soon*


  1. Love this post! And can't wait to see the rest of your collection. It looks like it's going to be amazing! And thanks for the mention honey. You're the best xxx
