Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Welcome to the wonderful world of a rare bird of fashion..her plumage is bright and beautiful and just like the bower bird she has been collecting her stylish trinkets for years! Her Bower is filled with colour, personality and a unique quality you don't often see! Iris Apfel is living proof that at 84 years of age..individuality never goes out of style!

Iris was rocking the oversized shades and bangle stack long before Miss Zoe and Starbucks were even born!

Ironically though for someone so style savvy she has never actually worked in fashion. She has always however, been surrounded by strong style influences. Her mother had a boutique during the depression and 'worshipped at the altar of accessory' a tradition this self confessed 'bracelet freak' has continued. Together with her husband Carl, Iris created a textile company called
'Old World Weavers' replicating vintage and antique fabrics..and in doing so attracted style deities like Jackie Onassis and Greta Garbo!

What I love most about Iris, apart from her one of a kind eclectic style is that she couldn't give a toss about trends, infact she calls them 'the kiss of death'! She follows her heart when it comes to fashion and stays true to what she loves and feel good in...and that could be anything from a $5 top in a sale bin to a Balenciaga investment buy.

She certainly tells her own story through style and now the fashion world is obsessed with her! Iris can be seen gracing best dressed pages, front row at shows and topping designer must have lists. There is even a US touring exhibition of her wardrobe collection and an accompanying book
Rare Bird of Fashion: The Irreverant Iris Apfel. Just like my Grandma did, I imagine Iris has years of wisdom and wonderful tales that the young and vacuous fashion set could learn from.
I would LOVE to sit down for tea with her!

So take a leaf out of this rare birds book and fly your own way!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Random acts of kindness Ellen style!

If you ask me it is an important purpose of ours as human beings to help others...however big or small. Nothing touches me more than seeing people's dreams come true..its so powerful, so inspiring. Inspiration is all around us and Ellen is someone who really inspires me..she is always bringing love and light to people less fortunate and her random acts of kindness always make me cry! Her surprise on her show today was for a girl who didn't make the final 24 on American Idol...Angela Martin. Angela has an amazing voice and has certainly been through alot. Her Dad was shot by her step Mum, her daughter is disabled and her real Mum has gone missing. She's tried out for Idol 3 times and has never made it to the final 24 and now that she is 28 she can't try out again but still she stays positive and never stops believing that things are going to get better&that she will get her dream of being a singer. Never! Well today her belief&faith payed off! Watch the video to see what happens...there are longer videos on youtube if you want to see the full Ellen interview with Angela. She is such an amazing woman

Now you may not have the power to perform world scale acts like Ellen but what randon act of kindness could you perform today and for who? You never know they might have just as much impact. Find the time to talk to a lonely old person that lives in your street, give someone a compliment, smile at someone who looks sad, give a homeless person a coin...Seriously it feels so good to give love and support and the Universe notices...think about something you could do..not just today but everyday and notice the nice acts that will bestowed upon you! Even if it's just happiness in your heart...that sounds like enough to me!


Friday, February 19, 2010

COOLEST BROTHER EVER! THIS VIDEO IS SO GREAT..I swear I can't stop watching it.

Have an inspiring day, be an inspiration. xx

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What Rocks and resonates in your world?


Inspiration! It's such a personal thing. I m fascinated by it..I love hearing what inspires people - what gets them up in the morning, catches their eye, warms their heart, excites their soul.
For me, it can be anything - the colour of a flower, the perfect formation of a feather, a song, a beautiful piece of writing, a little girls hair.

But more often than not though it's style and the art of expression through style - I think thats so cool! I can get lost in the pages&pictures of style for hours! The colours, the looks. the stories. This photo kills me! (he he) I love the label Dsquared because those boys are such great story tellers..they always have a strong look, feel and vibe in their collections and always with a dash of uber coolness! I love the layering here, the different fabrics and textures - flanelette with leopard print, denim and suede. The relaxed look of the just rocks and really resonates with me. Can't really explain why it just totally inspires me, thats the thing with inspiration - it's totally a personal thing, something that just hits you.....

What rocks and resonates your world?


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Hindu life lesson

As I continue to research the wonderful world of Hindu, I uncover more beauty, stunning symbolism, truth and life lessons. I have been learning about Lakshmi, Ganesha and Saraswati - thats the colourful peeps above but have uncovered some beautiful Hindu quotes, text and learnings as well. I am obsessed with words and writing as much as I am fashion - its the story telling element that words provide and the imagery, feelings and ideas they can ignite in our imagination. Fashion to me is story telling too and I think thats the core reason I feel so connected to this stylish medium..the ability to do both - tell a story and create through style is my dream job which is why I created Love Chile! Style that speaks!

Back to wonderful words....This Hindu quote is my favourite I have found so far.

'Know you are one
Pure awareness

With the fire of this conviction
Burn down the forest of ignorance

Free yourself from sorrow
And be happy'

Ashtavakra Gita 1:9

'With the fire of this conviction burn down the forest of ignorance' - how beautiful is that! Such stunning symbolism.

Pretty smart those Hindu's huh!
