Monday, June 28, 2010


Ah life...there's ups and downs and sometimes we don't know the answer..what I do know is there is always a reason. It's a journey, life can be a battle and you gotta fight...through it all you have to be a soldier of honour, take care of yourself, guard your heart and do what is right for you regardless of who is fighting you. That's been my discovery over the last few weeks..oh yeah there's been some shots fired and I've taken a bullet..but through it all I have learnt that I have to honour myself. These lessons have become my ammunition and a big inspiration for creating my 2nd collection 'Battalion of the Brave' - it's about being a strong woman, a fighter, breaking through the battles and just quietly looking super cool and sexy while doing it! Soldier Chic!

Feel Free to join my army..
'Battalion of the Brave' is recruiting now Baby!

Much love xx

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

f**king fighter

Meet my new style crush...Jennifer Herrema...Front woman for Royal Trux and now RTX, songwriter, producer, artist, renegade and mother F**king bad ass cool fighter chick. She's tough, she's bold, one of a kind and she couldn't give a toss what you think. She's all about being true to herself and wearing what feels good, not what is supposedly cool or on trend. She's found a vibe, a look, a story and a style that works for her and it's speaks volumes...she's rockin out doin her own thing and it's 'Totally dope'. She's been through some tough times - darkness and drugs..but she's fought on and stayed true to what she loves and paved her way back on to her path. She's strong and that makes her so sexy!

Her style influences are clear...
Part skater
Part unashamed rocker(she totally reminds me of my beloved Robert Plant)
She's GLUNGE (glamour fused with grunge)
The other part is American Indian/Daniel Boon with a dash of designer - she loves her LV..but always adds her signature Raccoon tail and distressed denim.
For me she looks F**king cool, free and fun and now she's been commissioned to do a line of one off jeans for Volcom. I WANT!

J'adore Jennifer. Rock on girl xx

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Man sometimes life throws some bombs at you and part of being a soldier is fighting through the war! The best weapon - love and letting go! I've had a big lesson on this over the last week - on something that really isn't life changing but I felt like I'd been shot and lost a limb in battle! My internet has been down for a week!!!!! And it's amazing how attached we get to things...I felt like I was dying! Silly really! But a valuable lesson..there was nothing I could do I just had to surrender, let it go, wave the white flag! Maybe it was the universe also getting me to slow down. Either way I had no choice but to let go and focus on other being grateful for what I DO have and what I CAN I focused on doing the things I love and giving lots of love to my friends and family...and this's back..the war is over and I won!

What can you let go off this week?

(By the way the pic is another piece from my new collection - the 'Lieutenant Liberty Ripped Army tee' - will show you full look book soon) x

Friday, June 4, 2010


I am so excited to say I have finished my second Love Chile collection and she's a beauty!
(That's one of the look book pics above!)
I am really am proud of it and more importantly proud of myself. It took a lot of work to get it done - I had to learn new skills, dig deep into my own pocket, sew and sew until my fingers bled, search for months for hard to find items, including the amazing Vintage army shirts above from the 60's and the 70's, plus I had some personal stuff on my plate that has been challenging to say the least. But despite all of that I didn't give in like I have before, I kept pushing through and 'Soldiering on' -Ironically if you've read my previous blog posts, the collection didn't start out with a strong Military feel, I wanted to focus more on Hindu Goddessess...but perhaps Subliminally as I was fighting through stuff the collection came up to meet me and we changed course together. Either way I didn't question it, I just rolled with it and the result for me is a beautiful outward creative expression of what has been going on for me inwardly and ultimately is the message I want to pass on to other women. Stay true to you, don't give up, believe in yourself and just keep soldiering on..keep on fighting baby! Don't look for anyone to rescue you, be your own soldier. We all have our challenges and I am so in awe of a young fighter friend of mine Jess -
she calls herself the WELLNESS WARRIOR
and boy is she one hell of a fighter!
I say Thank you to all the kick arse chicks out there who keep on fighting and I say Thank you for all the lessons that have made me stronger.

I salute you !

*New Collection out soon*