Friday, March 26, 2010


On this Friday I wanted to give a little shout out to a special girl in my life - my sister Sarah! I guess my reason for doing so is that I want to express the importance about being grateful for what you already have in your life..not what you wish you had or think will make you happier once you get it...but what you have right now!

Sarah today I want you to know that I adore you more than the moon and the stars! I am beyond proud of you...always chase your dreams and always believe in yourself - cause I do!

I am so grateful that Sarah came into my life when I was 15 - she's my Auburn Angel (yes that's her REAL hair colour! Crazy right!) We have a wonderful connection and I can honestly say we have never had a fight...she is addicted to style like me (sorry Mumma!) and we share so many loves and passions - we just connect. Plus she's a tonne of fun and a little cheeky like me! I can totally be myself around her and never feel judged. I am beaming with pride about her - she is a go getter, focused and determined..a beauty therapist who is a global make up artist in the making and I have every faith she'll kick it on the world stage! Napolean who? Any was sis just wanted you to know what you mean to me.

Who in your life makes you feel like that..have you told them today? Bet they'd love to know!

Have a feathery friday


Friday, March 19, 2010


This week my label Love Chile had some fantastic wins!!

Firstly, she debuted her fine feathered self at the L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival for Nicolangela and I haven't even finished the collection yet!

Secondly, she featured throughout the new Birdmotel Shopalog!

Thirdly, she got her first celebrity endorsement when the Divine Miss Emma Booth sported one of my handmade feather stoles in this month's Yen Magazine - that's the pic above!!

On this very fortunate feathery Friday I wanted to share the beauty and magic of saying THANK YOU!

Everyday I have been taking time before my head hits the pillow to say Thank you! I say Thank you for all the things I am grateful for no matter how big or small. I say Thank you for my big wins and just as big a Thank you for the simple things like having an amazing family and beautiful friends!

I can't tell you firstly, how nice it feels to focus on the things that you truly are grateful for and see how blessed you actually are! But secondly how magical it is! I really believe that it's my sincere gratitude for what I already have that keeps bringing me more!

Try it.....say Thank you everyday and see what happens!!

And on that note...Thank you for reading my post

Mwahh xx

Monday, March 15, 2010


Ok so I seriously almost needed an ambulance after I saw this show on my favourite website!! It was the most heartbreakingly original, cool (pardon the pun) and wonderful style story I have ever seen!!! The latest RTW Chanel show in Paris was an exquisite example of story telling and making dreams come true. Karl Lagerfeld actually dreamt about this show and without one thought of doubt or disbelief he bought it to life. He even had small icebergs bought in from the arctic circle - not even kidding!!! The models walked through water and the looks were so creative and original whilst still staying true to the Chanel aesthetic. There was the classic tweed teamed with faux fur, jewels that dripped off the models like icicles and even the signature Chanel bags were made to look like little ice cubes, so cool! (sorry!) - I also loved how you could see shades of Karl throughout the show - models wore rings on every finger some even dressed in a take on his signature white shirt, black tie and tux iconic combo. It was unashamedly from him.

I could seriously talk about this show all day - it's just the great story telling, originality and attention to detail that really blows me away - King Karl certainly knows how to tell a good story and that to me is what fashion should be about! Be original, have something to say and everyone will want to listen!

But for now, I still need that ambulance...hello 911 Im having a fashion heart attack!!


Friday, March 12, 2010


On this Friday I wanted to share a beautiful piece of writing that a dear friend gave me recently! We all have times, days, weeks where we feel unsure - can we really do all that we dream of..well today I say celebrate being you, reach for the stars and go grab your dreams! Take the pressure off yourself, indulge your passions and do what you love without attachment - just be you and that originality will be noticed! I have never followed trends with my label Love Chile - looks like the one above are just an expression of me and what I am loving at that time - strangely so it always seems to work out being bang on trend! Having fun and being me so worked for me this week - my label Love Chile is doing her first catwalk show collaboration at the Melbourne Fashion Festival - see anything is possible if you just believe, have fun and be you!

Over to you Nelson Mandela...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure,
it is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you!
We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us
It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others!"

(Nelson Mandela 1993 Inaugural speech written by Marianne Williamson)

Monday, March 8, 2010


I've said it before, but to me fashion is a chance to express yourself, to be an individual to tell a
story your way..and you can always count on Mr Gaultier to do that.
Check out these pics from his latest offering.
Part Nomad gypsy/Global treker, part African tribal, part sporty/casual...
An interesting relaxed yet so detailed and always so so cool

And healthy models to boot!!!

Has the humble tracksuit pant ever looked so chic! Im heading to grab a pair Stat!

Love you Jean Paul! xx

Monday, March 1, 2010


When was the last time you played dress up? Do you even know half the things you have in your closet? Before you go out and spend money on new things..check out what you already have - you never know what you might find that you can use to create a new look! When I was a little girl I was constantly playing dress up and getting my Mumma to take photo's of the looks I created with her wardrobe - yep always destined to be a fashion junkie! Playing dress up this rainy Monday here in Sydney took me back to being a little girl and's so important to find fun in the simple things and I found great pleasure in seeing what I could create! Not the best quality pic(working on that!) but check out what I found.....

An old khaki jacket I forgot I had (but very on trend with the current military look)
A vintage sequin top from the 70's I bought about 8 years ago( also on trend!)
An old slouchy and super comfortable singlet
And a beautiful leather belt my best friend gave me last week, (folded over to give it the look I've seen alot on the runways)
All paired with my fav old jeans and I've got a cool new look that's really in keeping with what's cool at the moment - military, sequins/embellishment, layering/texture.

Go on have a peek in your wardrobe and see what you can create without spending a cent!

Have a happy, playful Monday xx