Monday, April 19, 2010



My gift to you in this special Love Chile pack!

In this pack is an organic white cotton Love Chile tee with the slogan

'Run Wild My Love Chile'
(As in Run Wild, be you, be free my child!)

As well as this stunning Feather piece which can be worn as a headdress, like in the pic below or as a feather stole wrapped around your beautiful shoulders!
This special Love Chile pack is worth over $200!!

All you have to do is
1. Become a follower of my blog LoveChileStyle
2. Leave me a comment here on LoveChileStyle telling me in 25 words or less what makes you feel..... free!

I will announce the winner May 13

Much love and feathers
Faye xx

Monday, April 5, 2010


My little Love Chile has been quite the young lady about town of late! It was so great doing my first show last year but I would never have dreamt that I would be invited to do another fantasy show - so fun and wild -only six months after my debut...but the Angels decided it was time yet again! Who am I to argue!

So for the last two weeks I have been glueing and sewing my fingers together a million times
(he he) as I hand made all my pieces for the most exciting fashion event!
The headline show at the Ivy White Party

The theme was Amazonia and was styled by the incredible Heather Cairns from
Tangent Magazine

All the pieces from my new collection (which I haven't had time to finish yet!)
are accessories for clothes....
Embellished pin on shoulder pads
Body Chains
Double brooches dripping in chains that can be pinned anywhere
Jewellery for the hands, feet, ankles!
As well as some stunning customised vintage pieces

It's all about adding to what you have, a little bit of glitz to a tee, an embellished jacket shoulder when it takes your fancy, a body chain under a tux...instant glamour no matter your shape or size!

A big shout out to the legend that is Quentin Field for the killer pics! Thanks Q

Much love and feathers

Faye xx

Love Chile black/gold pin on shoulder pads

Love Chile green/white feather pin on shoulder pads
Love Chile gold Body Chain-love!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


It's true, it really is all you need! Of course love comes in many forms but the most important love of all is the love you have for yourself. You have to be your own best friend, be kind and gentle with your being, respect your soul, your 'perceived' imperfections and honour yourself. Take it from someone who didn't love themselves and ask me how different my life is now that I do. It's not an arrogant, obnoxious love it's about doing things that make you feel good, being true to who you are, saying no if you need to and creating experiences that make your heart sing!

My label Love Chile is all about this and honestly it grew out of a time when there was no love in my heart for myself& I consequently was making choices that hurt me. So now that I have seen the light using my label as a way to speak to women and share my journey is so exciting and important to me. I dream of making women all over the world love and respect themselves and be who they really want to be.

Now that I love myself my world is alive and my fashion dreams are coming true - I m making pieces that make me feel good, that I enjoy creating, that reflect my ideas and style and the industry is responding to that truth. Love Chile makes her 3rd exciting appearance at the Ivy White Party this Sunday night in an Amazonian extravaganza catwalk parade - I have been working hard all week creating unique pieces I am truly proud of and I am so grateful for this opportunity to share them!

How could you show yourself some LOVE today? You never know what might happen if you do!

Heart, soul and rock n roll

LOVE Faye xx